As a child I believed if we put all the religions together we would have the truth, like breaking a code and so I spent years going to synagogues, mosques and churches of different denominations. As a psychical investigator and author of Seances with God who researches consciousness studies and a wide range of paranormal phenomena I now believe that source underlying all spirituality stems from the many patterns of transformative psychic spiritual experiences that are the source of all spiritual knowledge and the basis of world religions.
I obtained my first honours degree at Lancaster University researching Arabic language, Islamic Studies and Religious Studies.
After which, my years in the Middle East were spent visiting countless archaeological sites connected with psychic experiences, the birth of religions, great spiritual teachers and places where people had had transformative psychic spiritual experiences. For example I visited Mount Nebo where Moses received the Ten Commandments and the ancient Egyptian sites including those connected with the Pharaoh Akenaten who, after his psychic experience created a revolution in human spiritual history talking of one God.
After a postgraduate course at Strathclyde University I taught World Religions then I became a college lecturer.
Seeking to research for an 80,000 word Master of Philosophy Dissertation on Shamanic, Out of Body and Near Death Experiences and 100,000 word PhD dissertation exploring global examples of mediumship from ancient times to present day, scientific explanations regarding the phenomena, experiential ideosyncracies and the lives of many mediums including Emanuel Swedenborg, I found that British Universities wanted me to explain psychic phenomena away. Finally a canon from the Churches’ Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies notified me of the Dept. of Consciousness Studies and Sacred Traditions at Rutherford University, Canada.
I have attended AFC for more than 20 years and have had a range of fascinating personal experiences myself. At Gordon’s Higginson’s home he predicted my forthcoming unusual pioneering postgraduate education. Gordon gave me a book title from spirit; Seances with God: God Through the Ages and told me I would write it and take the philosophy underlying spiritualism to universities just as he and Arthur Findlay had wanted it spread.
I first taught Psychical Research at Warwick University in the 1990’s and at innumerable colleges. For nearly two years now I have taught up to 31 classes a term between Strathclyde University and Paisley University, day and evening courses. I have also taught summer classes and one day Seminars. It has been a hectic time. Many students have returned to do the course again, knowing the lectures are different.
I attended interviews with my portfolio of qualifications and teaching references at both Strathclyde and Paisley Universities, including one from a Canadian Senator who is now the President of my Canadian University who encouraged my study.
I call my courses Psychic, Paranormal and Consciousness studies due to the broad range of subjects covered by my power point presentations. I provide summary handouts and questionnaires with each lecture prompting fascinating discussions. Students finish with a file of information. We explore shamanism, out of body and near death experiences, the implications for consciousness regarding survival after physical death for all creatures. Students hear my collection of electronic voice phenomena, see my collection of digital photographs of possible spirit animals, people and orbs, explore mediumship and the lives and legacy of fascinating mediums, Emanuel Swedenborg, reincarnation, telepathy, scrutinise possible non-man made crop circles, receive the latest UFO information, learn through case histories the complexities underlying the analysis and research into this subject area such as the differences between apparent apparitions and surviving intelligences.
Various newspapers in Scotland learned of my courses and after interviewing me ran with headlines such as the Paisley Daily Express; “Spooky goings-on are a matter of course at Uni,” The Paisley People; “Medium Learning,” The Gazette; “Probe the Paranormal” The Times; “Paranormal Paisley” and Paisley People; “It’s a case for Mulder and Scully.”
My students are from diverse backgrounds and ages, from teenagers to solicitors, architects to mediums, mums, dads and bereaved. The courses have been extremely well received as my power point presentations with summary handouts are presented in an objective, academic, knowledgeable way and students make up their own minds from the range of information and arguments put forward. There were over 35 mature students in one class at Paisley University and 14 more had to be put on the waiting list for the following term. Strathclyde University Centre for Life Long Learning have been enrolling for my Jan 07 course since Oct 06. These are part time non credit bearing classes for adults and not part of the undergraduate curriculum. I am always pleased to receive people’s accounts of psychic experiences and when possible photographic information.