One Christmas time, soon after I became engaged my fiancé and I went to a hotel besides the sea in Eastbourne , England . Here I met my future husband’s family for the first time. It was such a happy occasion. The Hotel was filled with other happy people celebrating emotional and uplifting family holiday reunions and Christmas itself.
On the second day before dinner in the evening my fiancé and I walked into my room. I was astounded to see floating around my room a sight I always refer to as ‘Circular Rainbows of Colour’ as I have no other way of describing them.
I sat on the bed and described each differing circle of colours to my husband who is a medical doctor. He was extremely interested and he asked me to close my eyes several times and to see if I could still see them, which I could as they were so apparently ‘physically’ there rather than in my own mind’s eye. At that time he had only known me for a number of weeks and he had not witnessed one of my psychic experiences before.
I cannot remember the exact order of colours in each of the five circles now but to give one example. First I noticed the identical central small circle of yellow, a yellow nucleus each shared, then the innermost ring would be pink the second slightly larger ring would be petrol blue, then the next slightly larger ring would be green, and other colours until the final outer ring. Each circles colours differed. Each colour exactly touched the colours next to it so it was an identifiable whole circle.
It is my personal opinion that I watched not the etheric recognisable duplicate body of five spirits visiting my room but the ‘real’ body the ‘energy body’ perhaps aptly named the non-physical soul or spirit, consisting of the energy that cannot be destroyed when the physical body passes away. I believe I witnessed the auric body and that at a certain stage after physical death we are, or can show ourselves as circles of coloured auric energy, each recognisable by their individual colours yet each sharing the central energy or nucleus which was a yellowy colour.
It is commonly understood that we are what we eat, but this experience emphatically said to me that we are what we think, feel and experience and how we react to our experiences and that the colours reflect cumulative emotional, spiritual, mental and physical aspects of the self this is what determines the individual’s colours in the aura.
Looking back if I had had an expert medium with me they might have been able to interpret the colours for the clues they might have offered with regard to the emotional, spiritual, mental, physical personality of the individual who had become, or culminated in this identifiable energy body, made up of circles of auric colour. Then we might have known who the visitors were on this memorable occasion. Years ago at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, Essex, on one particular occasion from many occasions of observing Gordon Higginson a brilliant medium, I observed Gordon telling people about their characteristics, abilities, feelings, health and future potential abilities that could be realised by looking at the aura, but only he could see it. Perhaps due to that observation of Gordon and many years after his death I had my own experience that I have come to the conclusion that my visitors were spirit in their pure energy bodies. I now believe I saw the auric people and/or auric pets visiting my room in their true and most natural state, that of a perfect energy form, and while it sounds a little like Star Trek, this is what I believe we ultimately become after physical death. Presumably we can also show our more recognisable etheric body if we wish to. Perhaps the longer a person is in the non-physical dimension the more apt it becomes to show themselves as coloured energy, probably just as recognisable and individually identifiable by the others (in pure energy form) who have been ‘passed’ for the same duration. If this is so, then we are seen clearly for who we truly are in the non-physical dimension, no masks or pretensions, our thoughts and feelings have created vibrant refined or dark colours. This would confirm much of the world’s spiritual literature that a perfect justice can be found in the next dimension and all are known for who they truly are.
My other theory is that the central small circular nucleus each non-physical visitor shared, made up of the yellow colour are the orbs that are now being picked up on sensitive cameras. Perhaps when cameras become even more sensitive and advanced, they will pick up the many remaining circles of colour that I saw, the whole auric energy circle. Auric cameras and videos show splashes and patches of colour and videos show the dynamic moving colours as a person talks but these too do not pick up any where near as clearly the auric energy individuals that I saw. I believe the full hotel filled with happy energy at Christmas time, besides the sea which can create further energy and my own happy energy possibly contributed to this experience. Perhaps due to the engagement and forthcoming marriage relatives and/or friends wanted to make their presence known to me and share in the occasion. Strange as it may seem, this was a remarkable experience for me proving for me that there is beyond a doubt a non-physical dimension to life that continues after physical death.
To conclude with a few questions the yellow nucleus that each circle exhibited was this, the essential God-Life-Spark that all creatures share? Is it possible that the orbs the camera picks up do not have circles of accompanying colour around them because these are spiritually undeveloped or bereft spirits often found haunting houses or locales? If a person believes in reincarnation then, it could be suggested that a soul has gathered much experience over the years and so no soul should be bereft of the colours or have they either not spiritually evolved or gone spiritually backwards over their lifetimes? With regard to orbs due to the lack of colour picked up by the camera, is it because the aura is black or is it because the spirit is walking between two worlds not fully here but not fully in the next non-physical dimension also?
I sat on the bed and described each differing circle of colours to my husband who is a medical doctor. He was extremely interested and he asked me to close my eyes several times and to see if I could still see them, which I could as they were so apparently ‘physically’ there rather than in my own mind’s eye. At that time he had only known me for a number of weeks and he had not witnessed one of my psychic experiences before.
I cannot remember the exact order of colours in each of the five circles now but to give one example. First I noticed the identical central small circle of yellow, a yellow nucleus each shared, then the innermost ring would be pink the second slightly larger ring would be petrol blue, then the next slightly larger ring would be green, and other colours until the final outer ring. Each circles colours differed. Each colour exactly touched the colours next to it so it was an identifiable whole circle.
It is my personal opinion that I watched not the etheric recognisable duplicate body of five spirits visiting my room but the ‘real’ body the ‘energy body’ perhaps aptly named the non-physical soul or spirit, consisting of the energy that cannot be destroyed when the physical body passes away. I believe I witnessed the auric body and that at a certain stage after physical death we are, or can show ourselves as circles of coloured auric energy, each recognisable by their individual colours yet each sharing the central energy or nucleus which was a yellowy colour.
It is commonly understood that we are what we eat, but this experience emphatically said to me that we are what we think, feel and experience and how we react to our experiences and that the colours reflect cumulative emotional, spiritual, mental and physical aspects of the self this is what determines the individual’s colours in the aura.
Looking back if I had had an expert medium with me they might have been able to interpret the colours for the clues they might have offered with regard to the emotional, spiritual, mental, physical personality of the individual who had become, or culminated in this identifiable energy body, made up of circles of auric colour. Then we might have known who the visitors were on this memorable occasion. Years ago at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, Essex, on one particular occasion from many occasions of observing Gordon Higginson a brilliant medium, I observed Gordon telling people about their characteristics, abilities, feelings, health and future potential abilities that could be realised by looking at the aura, but only he could see it. Perhaps due to that observation of Gordon and many years after his death I had my own experience that I have come to the conclusion that my visitors were spirit in their pure energy bodies. I now believe I saw the auric people and/or auric pets visiting my room in their true and most natural state, that of a perfect energy form, and while it sounds a little like Star Trek, this is what I believe we ultimately become after physical death. Presumably we can also show our more recognisable etheric body if we wish to. Perhaps the longer a person is in the non-physical dimension the more apt it becomes to show themselves as coloured energy, probably just as recognisable and individually identifiable by the others (in pure energy form) who have been ‘passed’ for the same duration. If this is so, then we are seen clearly for who we truly are in the non-physical dimension, no masks or pretensions, our thoughts and feelings have created vibrant refined or dark colours. This would confirm much of the world’s spiritual literature that a perfect justice can be found in the next dimension and all are known for who they truly are.
My other theory is that the central small circular nucleus each non-physical visitor shared, made up of the yellow colour are the orbs that are now being picked up on sensitive cameras. Perhaps when cameras become even more sensitive and advanced, they will pick up the many remaining circles of colour that I saw, the whole auric energy circle. Auric cameras and videos show splashes and patches of colour and videos show the dynamic moving colours as a person talks but these too do not pick up any where near as clearly the auric energy individuals that I saw. I believe the full hotel filled with happy energy at Christmas time, besides the sea which can create further energy and my own happy energy possibly contributed to this experience. Perhaps due to the engagement and forthcoming marriage relatives and/or friends wanted to make their presence known to me and share in the occasion. Strange as it may seem, this was a remarkable experience for me proving for me that there is beyond a doubt a non-physical dimension to life that continues after physical death.
To conclude with a few questions the yellow nucleus that each circle exhibited was this, the essential God-Life-Spark that all creatures share? Is it possible that the orbs the camera picks up do not have circles of accompanying colour around them because these are spiritually undeveloped or bereft spirits often found haunting houses or locales? If a person believes in reincarnation then, it could be suggested that a soul has gathered much experience over the years and so no soul should be bereft of the colours or have they either not spiritually evolved or gone spiritually backwards over their lifetimes? With regard to orbs due to the lack of colour picked up by the camera, is it because the aura is black or is it because the spirit is walking between two worlds not fully here but not fully in the next non-physical dimension also?